Capital Investment Analysis (Q1 Day 1™)

Capital Investment Analysis (Q1 Day 1™)

Enhance start-up and operations readiness for new projects, expansions, integrated operations, and transitions.

While budget and scheduling are the focus of new projects, project and construction plans often do not properly consider future operations, which can be based on overly optimistic assumptions. To ensure best-in-class performance, your integrated complex can benefit from an independent, fact-based analysis compared against top-performing competitors. After decades of benchmarking the energy industry, Solomon has developed significant insight into what good looks like.

Solomon's Capital Investment Analysis (Q1 Day 1™) solution applies our proven Comparative Performance Analysis™ (CPA™) methodology and proprietary industry databases to evaluate the expected performance of capital projects during all phases of the project. Results identify areas to enhance and optimize the design, operational strategies, cost structures, and net cash margin of your investment.

Our Approach

Operational Performance Analysis Modules

Customize Q1 Day 1 solutions to your specific business objectives.

Performance Comparisons
  • Apply Solomon benchmarks to augment decisions.
  • Compare design performance to top industry performers.
  • Understand the expected performance of the capital investment.
  • Define cost, operational, and business metrics.
  • Establish business targets for phases of operation.
  • Develop targets that support performance objectives.
  • Identify options for energy integration and electrical optimization.
  • Review hydrogen and water balances.
  • Evaluate impact on emissions.
Strategy & Technology
  • Apply Solomon's World Oil Refining Logistics and Demand (WORLD) Model® to gain knowledge for critical decisions.
  • Evaluate market trends and business impacts.
  • Assess configurations and changes.
  • Conduct high-level cold-eye review of project.
  • Review performance of critical operations.
  • Evaluate feedstock and product movements.
  • Assess supply and demand planning models.
  • Examine tankage, logistics operations, and scheduling.
  • Review feedstock selection, supply chain, and product matrix.
Operations & Organization
  • Apply Solomon industry best practices to review work processes and practices.
  • Assess readiness for commissioning and start-up.
  • Evaluate logistics plans for maintenance and production activities.
  • Evaluate operations and maintenance plans.
  • Examine reliability and turnaround programs.
  • Establish an operating model consistent with top performers.
  • Delivers staffing plans for phases of start-up and operation.
  • Outlines staffing levels by position.
  • Based on Solomon’s Workforce Optimization Model.

“Solomon has the credibility and confidence we're looking for.” Competitive Performance Manager, Gas Processing Facility Expansion
"Solomon provides incredibly useful and applicable information, recommendations, and insights. The quality of work speaks for itself and far exceeds any other options.” Commissioning Director, Greenfield Chemicals and Polymers Facility
“Thank you for the presentation, I enjoyed it fully, like I am watching an award-winning movie. It was very informative and comprehensive. You managed to take us through in a very simple and reaching manner.” Head, Production Planning, Petrochemicals Facility
"Solomon’s direct experience with actual operations helped us optimize our cost structure and staffing plan with the required focus on meeting our strategic reliability performance objectives.” Operations Director, New Pipeline Project

Leverage our extensive proprietary database of operational performance information and


recent engagements in refining, chemicals, polymers, LNG, gas processing, pipelines, terminals, power generation, and integrated operations.

Staffing Adjustments to Ensure Performance Success of Proposed Olefin Expansion

Read the Case Study

Benefit from Solomon's 40 years of operational performance benchmarking experience:

  • Understand competitor performance.
  • Evaluate the market and business impacts.
  • Optimize energy and yield performance.
  • Augment cost structure and budget planning.
  • Enhance staffing plans to support start-up and establish stable operations.
  • Improve new asset reliability and utilization.
  • Increase your bottom line/net cash margin.

Optimize Your Organizational Design

  • Solomon’s Workforce Optimization Model examines general operating model design, shift schedules, and client-proposed organization structure.
  • Establish staffing targets for phases of start-up and operation based on proprietary database and peer groups.
  • Deliver staffing targets by department and position to establish a high performing organization.

Middle East Refinery Plans to Be Among the Most Globally Competitive

Read the Case Study

New equipment does not guarantee first-quartile (Q1) performance. Gain insight into your future operations performance.

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Climate-related Impacts

Sustainability Investment Analysis

Trusted guidance to help you understand energy-related carbon emissions for new projects, expansions, integrated operations, and transitions. Solomon's Sustainability Investment Analysis expands on our proven Capital Investment Analysis solution to evaluate the energy-related sustainability impacts of capital projects.

Learn More